The answer has literally been staring you in the face for months. Every morning when you shower you’ve been looking at those tired-looking tiles. It’s the discoloured bits between them that look particularly grubby.

You’ve been putting off getting things sorted because you’ve got it into your head that it could potentially be a big job. Ripping out and replacing those shower tiles could be costly.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Find out why regrouting your shower should be your go-to solution as we look into how it can give your bath or shower room the refresh it needs.

Regrout shower: why do it?

Regrouting a shower is a highly cost-effective way to improve the way tiles look. By their nature tiles tend to have a long shelf-life but sometimes it’s those niggly bits in between them that can get mouldy and discoloured. No amount of cleaning seems to do the trick. It’s not only aesthetics though. When grout is in a poor condition, it contributes to a leaking shower which can cause excessive damage.

Shower regrouting is typically a 5-Step Process

First up is the removal of the existing grout between the tiles. You can do this with a specialist oscillating tool. It has a fast-rotating blade that you’ll need to hold close to the tiles’ edges. The grout should then crumble away.

You’ll then need to scrape thoroughly away between the tiles with a knife or flat head screwdriver removing any excess grout and dirt. You should always wear a mask and eye protection when carrying out regrouting and have a vacuum on standby to clean up the dust.

It’s important to ensure you remove all the old grout otherwise you’ll risk locking in potentially harmful mould, dirt and mildew that’s still lurking in the old grout.

Next up, the magic happens. You can either use a ready-mixed grout or mix your own depending on the product you use. You should normally apply the grout and then clean around the tiles using a damp sponge to keep everything neat and tidy. There’s a knack to the process so perseverance is key.

The normal waiting time for letting the grout set and dry is around 24 hours. Rocket science grouting is not, but it is a messy job that’s time-consuming if you are not used to doing it.

Finally, you could use a grouting sealant product. This provides a water-resistant coating that will keep your grout looking its best and performing well for many more years to come.

Make Regrouting an Opportunity

The product you use for the regrouting is important, particularly in terms of how long the aesthetic effects of the new grouting will last. Products can also come in various colour shades.

It’s generally best to leave regrouting jobs to the professionals who’ll be able to advise you about resealing and the right products to match your bath or shower room. They can also help you decide if there are any loose tiles that may be better replaced or reattached.

Now is also your chance to move that soap tray or shower rail that has always been at the wrong height or in the wrong place ever since you can remember. These jobs may be small touches but they can make a world of difference to your daily routine.

The Best Brisbane Bathroom Regrouting

We are experts in shower and bathroom sealing as well grouting and all those other niggly little jobs that seem to crop up. Let us come and take a look at your bathroom so that we can tell you about the best and most-effective options available.

We make Brisbane bathroom regrouting simple and fast. Talk to us today and we’ll soon have your bathroom regrouted and looking sparkling and new!